Festa della Primavera

Julie Jurden
Spring and the beginning of summer bring the most stunning flower festivals in Italy. Festa della Primavera is a spring festival that signifies Italia is in full bloom!

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Fourth of July

Julie Jurden


Ever since I was little, July 4th was a big event in our family. My Dad would set off millions of fireworks in our back yard with all of our family and friends there to eat and celebrate. As the years went by, backyard fireworks became a memory but we still couldn’t resist the sparklers as a fun finish to the evening! Our kids were so lucky to share the holiday with these wonderful grandparents!

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Father's Day

Julie Jurden

With Fathers Day around the corner, I find myself counting my blessings for the special role my own Dad played in my life and that of my children. Although he died 9 years ago, his presence is felt and his legacy is evident each day. He generated respect by example, encouraging us to not be afraid to try something new, and to have confidence that we can achieve whatever we want to in life with...

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